Sunday, June 17, 2012


 India is a land of diverse communities, states and cultures. Rajasthan is counted amongst the biggest states of India. Every state has its own festivals and fairs. Rajasthan also has a renowned fair which is called the Pushkar Fair world-wide. The Pushkar fair is also known as the worlds' largest camel fair. There are several reasons behind this fair being so popular. There is a huge trade of camels that happens in this fair and that is why it is called the camel fair. Though it is called the camel fair, the trade of other domestic animals like cows, dogs, sheeps and goats also happen. The fair is held on the banks of the popular and sacred Pushkar Lake. People take a holly dip in the lake and offers prayers before they start to enjoy the fair.

endangered polar bears

 While the beekeeping and agricultural industries are in the middle of a crisis concerning disappearing bees and dying bats, a crisis that may soon threaten the United States food supply, the U.S. Department of the Interior was taking a much more proactive approach to the potential future problems of the polar bear. In fact, the Department of the Interior has just added the polar bear to the list of threatened species under the endangered polar bears Species Act. To preserve the habitat of the polar bear as an endangered polar bears species will make it even more difficult to explore for oil and gas in the state of Alaska in the future.

polar bear cubs

 The polar bear cubs comes home in a weakened condition to its hollowed out winter lair. Males normally den from late November to late January, while females den for a longer period of time, from November to March, during which time they have their cubs. The cubs stay with their mother for approximately a year and a half.

cute polar bears

 In fact, their numbers storage during warming periods drastically increase. This is because the adult female generally has two cubs, and often eats one of them for food to sustain herself, and the strongest of the two cubs. It's a harsh world being a polar bear, but they are adapted to live in that environment. How arrogant is it for humans to believe that they can save or destroy the cute polar bears. It won't happen, and those cute little cute polar bears are some of the most ferocious and vicious animal predators on the planet. They will hunt down a pray and stock them for a 100 miles.

polar bear

 Human beings have always felt a profound attraction and even affection for the magnificent white polar bear. They have played a pivotal role in the lives of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic since time immemorial. Not only have they been a source of food and clothing, but they have been central figures in the cultural and spiritual lives of these peoples. Cave paintings dating back 1,500 years have been discovered, and the skulls of these bears have been found buried at ancient sacred sites and altars.